Abdul Rejak Laskar vs Mafizur Rahman 2024 INSC 1023 – Section 9 CPC – Order XX Rule 18 CPC – Partition Suits – Assam Land and Revenue Regulation

Civil Procedure Code, 1908 – Section 9 – Whenever a question arises before the civil court whether its jurisdiction is excluded expressly or by necessary implication, the Court naturally feels inclined to consider whether the remedy afforded by an alternative provision prescribed by any special statute is sufficient or adequate. In cases where exclusion of the civil court’s jurisdiction is expressly provided for, the consideration as to the scheme of the statute in question and the adequacy or sufficiency of the remedy provided for by it may be relevant but cannot be decisive. Where exclusion is pleaded as a matter of necessary implication such consideration would be very important and in conceivable circumstances might become even decisive. (Para 29) when anything in the CPC is in conflict with anything in the special or local law or with any special jurisdiction or power conferred or in the special form of procedure prescribed by or under any other law, the Code will not (in the absence of any specific provision to the contrary) prevail so as to override such inconsistent provisions. When there is no conflict between the special or local law and the Code, the Code will apply. (Para 34)

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