Registration Act, 1908-Section 17 –To fall under the exception of Section 17(2)(vi) , the following conditions must be satisfied: (i)There must be a compromise decree as per the terms of the compromise without any collusion; (ii)The compromise decree must pertain to the subject property in the suit; and (iii)There must be a pre-existing right over the subject property, and the compromise decree should not create a right afresh. (Para 10)
Revenue records – Revenue records are not documents of title. Any entry therein will not ipso facto confer ownership. (Para 11)
Adverse Possession– Right accrued to a holder in adverse to be treated as a pre-existing right -Continuous and uninterrupted adverse possession would confer right, title and interest and the same can be used as a sword. (Para 11)
Indian Stamp Act, 1899- (as applicable to the State of Madhya Pradesh) -Stamp duty is not chargeable on an order/decree of the Court as the same do not fall within the documents mentioned in Schedule I or I-A read with Section 3. (Para 13)