2024 INSC March

Shah Enterprises vs Vaijayantiben Ranjitsingh Sawant 2024 INSC 182 – Contempt – Civil Suit

Summary: Appeal against dismissal of a Contempt Petition – the appellant sent legal notices to all the respondents herein and brought to their attention the consent decree passed in the year 1972 and, therefore, requested them to withdraw the suit – Since the respondents did not withdraw the suit, the appellant filed a Contempt Petition …

Shah Enterprises vs Vaijayantiben Ranjitsingh Sawant 2024 INSC 182 – Contempt – Civil Suit Read More »

Javed Ahmad Hajam vs State of Maharashtra 2024 INSC 187 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 317 – Fundamental Right To Protest/Dissent

Constitution Of India, 1950 ; Article 19(1)(a) – The right to dissent in a legitimate and lawful manner is an integral part of the rights guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a). Every individual must respect the right of others to dissent. An opportunity to peacefully protest against the decisions of the Government is an essential part of …

Javed Ahmad Hajam vs State of Maharashtra 2024 INSC 187 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 317 – Fundamental Right To Protest/Dissent Read More »

Travancore Devaswom Board vs Ayyappa Spices 2024 INSC 183 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 363 – Judicial Review- Tender –

Judicial Review- Tender – In cases where a party invoking writ jurisdiction has been a participant in the tender process, courts should be slow and cautious in exercising the power of judicial review – constitutional courts should exercise caution while interfering in contractual and tender matters, disguised as public interest litigations – High Court should …

Travancore Devaswom Board vs Ayyappa Spices 2024 INSC 183 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 363 – Judicial Review- Tender – Read More »

Xxxx vs State Of Madhya Pradesh & Another 2024 INSC 181 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 309 – Rape By Promise To Marry – Case Quashed

Indian Penal Code, 1860; Section 376 – Rape by giving promise to marry – Quashing the case against appellant, SC noted: It is not a case where the complainant was of an immature age who could not foresee her welfare and take right decision. She was a grown up lady about ten years elder to …

Xxxx vs State Of Madhya Pradesh & Another 2024 INSC 181 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 309 – Rape By Promise To Marry – Case Quashed Read More »

Vethambal vs Oriental Insurance Company 2024 INSC 180 – Motor Accident Compensation Claim

Motor Accident Compensation Claim – Assessment of compensation cannot be done with mathematical precision. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 also provides for assessment of just and fair compensation [Value of the labour being put in by the deceased in agriculture, it would be reasonable to assess his income at ₹35,000/- per month. Considering his age …

Vethambal vs Oriental Insurance Company 2024 INSC 180 – Motor Accident Compensation Claim Read More »

State of Jharkhand vs Sandeep Kumar 2024 INSC 179 – Bail – Police Officer As Accused

Bail – The considerations that would normally weigh with the Court while dealing with a bail petition are the nature and seriousness of the offence; the character of the evidence; circumstances which are peculiar to the accused; a reasonable possibility of the presence of the accused not being secured at the trial; reasonable apprehension of …

State of Jharkhand vs Sandeep Kumar 2024 INSC 179 – Bail – Police Officer As Accused Read More »

Re: TN Godavarman Thirumulpad vs Union Of India (In Re: Gaurav Kumar Bansal) 2024 INSC 178 – Jim Corbett National Park – Tiger Safari

Summary: SC directed Constitution of a committee to give recommendations on effective management and protection of the Tiger Reserves. Public Trust Doctrine – Executive acting under the doctrine of public trust cannot abdicate the natural resources and convert them into private ownership, or for commercial use. The aesthetic use and the pristine glory of the …

Re: TN Godavarman Thirumulpad vs Union Of India (In Re: Gaurav Kumar Bansal) 2024 INSC 178 – Jim Corbett National Park – Tiger Safari Read More »

Vedanta Limited vs State of Tamil Nadu 2024 INSC 175 – Environmental Law

Environmental Law – The polluter pays principle, a widely accepted norm in international and domestic environmental law, asserts that those who pollute or degrade the environment should bear the costs of mitigation and restoration. This principle serves as a reminder that economic activities should not come at the expense of environmental degradation or the health …

Vedanta Limited vs State of Tamil Nadu 2024 INSC 175 – Environmental Law Read More »

Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Recruitment Board vs Saluvadi Sumalatha 2024 INSC 176 – Public Employment

Public Employment – Courts will have to be cautious and therefore slow in dealing with recruitment process adopted by the recruitment agency. A lot of thought process has gone into applying the rules and regulations. Merely because a recruitment agency is not in a position to satisfy the Court, a relief cannot be extended to …

Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Recruitment Board vs Saluvadi Sumalatha 2024 INSC 176 – Public Employment Read More »

Sangam Milk Producer Company Ltd. vs Agricultural Market Committee 2024 INSC 174 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 174 – Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Act

Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Act, 1966 ; Section 2(v)-Argument that “ghee” is not a product of livestock is baseless, and bereft of any logic. The contrary argument that “ghee” is indeed a product of livestock is logically sound. Livestock has been defined under Section 2(v) of the Act, where Cows and buffalos …

Sangam Milk Producer Company Ltd. vs Agricultural Market Committee 2024 INSC 174 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 174 – Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Act Read More »