Amro Devi vs Julfi Ram (D) 2024 INSC 527 – Order XXIII Rule 3 CPC – Lis Pendens

Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908; Order XXIII Rule 3- For a valid compromise in a suit there has to be a lawful agreement or compromise in writing and signed by the parties which would then require it to be proved to the satisfaction of the Court. In the absence of any document in writing, the question of the parties signing it does not arise. Even the question of proving such document to the satisfaction of the Court to be lawful, also did not arise- Mere statements of the parties before court about such said compromise, cannot satisfy the requirements of Order XXIII Rule 3 of the CPC. (Para 20-23)

Transfer of Property Act, 1882; Section 52- Transfer of suit property pendente lite is not void ab initio, as it remains subservient to the pending litigation. The purchaser of any such property takes the bargain subject to the rights of the plaintiff in pending suit. (Para 18)

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