Service Law Caselaws

Lien – ‘lien’ of a government servant only ceases to exist when he/she is appointed on another post ‘substantively’/confirmed or absorbed permanently. Otherwise, his/her lien would continue on the previous post (Para 17) – L R Patil vs Gulbarga University 2023 INSC 796

Disciplinary Proceedings – Judicial ReviewPower of judicial review for the Courts in disciplinary action is circumscribed. The Court can only correct errors of law or procedural errors leading to manifest injustice or violation of principles of natural justice and the power exercised is not akin to adjudication of the case on merits as an appellate authority. (Para 9)Punjab National Bank vs M L Kalra (D)

Termination of EmployeeJagpal Singh vs State of UP – 2023 INSC 777.