Shoyeb Raja vs State Of Madhya Pradesh 2024 INSC 731 – S 307 IPC -Attempt To Murder- Minor Injury

Indian Penal Code,1860; Section 307 [ BNS 2013; Section 109]- Attempt to Murder -The essential ingredients required to be proved in the case of an offence under Section 307 are: (i) that the death of a human being was attempted; (ii) that such death was attempted to be caused by, or in consequence of the act of the accused; and (iii) that such act was done with the intention of causing death; or that it was done with the intention of causing such bodily injury as : (a) the accused knew to be likely to cause death; or (b) was sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death, or that the accused attempted to cause death by doing an act known to him to be so imminently dangerous that it must in all probability cause (a) death, or (b) such bodily injury as is likely to cause death, the accused having no excuse for incurring the risk of causing such death or injury- The nature or extent of injury suffered, are irrelevant factors for the conviction under this section, so long as the injury is inflicted with animus. -The question of intention to kill or the knowledge of death in terms of Section 307, IPC is a question of fact and not one of law – The minor nature of injuries is not sufficient reason to not frame a charge under Section 307 IPC. (Para 11-16)