What is CaseCiter ?

From 1 January 2024, our website, CiteCase.in, is being regularly updated with notes of Supreme Court judgments. We collate all these notes and publish it as a monthly digest. This means, CaseCiter is a collection of our notes on Supreme Court judgments. We publish it as monthly digest in a PDF format and share it with our subscribers on first Sunday of every month. For eg: On or before first Sunday of November 2024, you should get our digest containing our notes on judgments of Supreme Court delivered in October 2024.

Why should you subscribe?

Ignorantia juris non excusat: Ignorance of law is not an excuse, especially for Law Students, Lawyers, Judiciary aspirants and judges. All of them are supposed to know law including Caselaws. Article 141 of the Constitution of India says that the law declared by the Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of India. Therefore Judges and Lawyers, as officers of the Court, should stay updated about the law.

What is the subscription charge?

This subscription costs you just ₹1 per day. You can pay together for an year (₹365) or four months (120). If you had made monetary contributions to citecase project, you can adjust the said amount from subscription charges. If you are a young lawyer or a law student and have two or more friends/colleagues who are willing to share subscription with you, you can bring down this cost further.

How to Subscribe?

You can do that in seven simple steps:

  1. Visit CaseCiter.com
  2. Read our sample digest & FAQs
  3. Click on ‘Subscribe now’
  4. Fill up subscription form
  5. Ping us on whatsapp
  6. Complete payment
  7. Join our subscribers group.

And you are done and can start accessing our digests.

How to access the digest?

If you have paid together for an year (₹365) , you will be added to our subscribers’ group in WhatsApp where we will be sharing our monthly digests on or before first Sunday of every month.

Thank You.