Al-Can Export Pvt Ltd. vs Prestige HM Polycontainers Ltd. 2024 INSC 500 – Writ Jurisdiction – CPC

Constitution Of India,1950; Article 226- Code Of Civil Procedure,1908 ; Section 141 and Order XXI Rule 90- The provisions of the CPC do not apply to writ petitions under Article 226 of the Constitution of India except some of the principles enshrined therein like res judicata, delay and laches, addition of parties, matters which have not been specifically dealt with by the writ rules framed by the respective High Court – The High Court while exercising jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution has jurisdiction to pass appropriate orders. Such power can neither be controlled nor affected by the provisions of Order XXI Rule 90 of the CPC. It would not be correct to say that the terms of Order XXI Rule 90 should be mandatorily complied with while exercising jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution. Proceedings under Article 226 of the Constitution stand on a different footing when compared to the proceedings in suits or appeals arising therefrom. (Para 48-49)

Constitution Of India,1950; Article 226- Issuance of a writ or quashing/setting aside of an order if revives another pernicious or wrong or illegal order then in that eventuality the writ court should not interfere in the matter and should refuse to exercise its discretionary power conferred upon it under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. The writ court should not quash the order if it revives a wrong or illegal order. (Para 74)

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