Bharti Cellular Limited vs Assistant Commissioner Of Income Tax 2024 INSC 148 – Principal & Agent – S 194H Income Tax Act

Income Tax Act, 1961; Section 194-H- Commission or brokerage – Cellular mobile telephone service providers would not be under a legal obligation to deduct tax at source on the income/profit component in the payments received by the distributors/franchisees from the third parties/customers, or while selling/transferring the pre-paid coupons or starter-kits to the distributors – the obligation to deduct tax at source in terms of Section 194-H of the Act arises when the legal relationship of principal-agent is established. (Para 6, 42)

Income Tax Act, 1961; Section 194-H– The payment/credit in the account should arise from the obligation of “the person responsible for paying”. The payee should be the person who has the right to receive the payment from “the person responsible for paying”. When this condition is satisfied, it does not matter if the payment is made “indirectly”. (Para 4)

Contract Act, 1872; Section 182 – Agency in terms of Section 182 exists when the principal employs another person, who is not his employee, to act or represent him in dealings with a third person. An agent renders services to the principal. The agent does what has been entrusted to him by the principal to do. It is the principal he represents before third parties, and not himself. As the transaction by the agent is on behalf of the principal whom the agent represents, the contract is between the principal and the third party. Accordingly the agent, except in some circumstances, is not liable to the third party. 8. Agency is therefore a triangular relationship between the principal, agent and the third party. In order to understand this relationship, one has to examine the inter se relationship between the principal and the third party and the agent and the third party- whether a legal relationship of a principal and agent exists, the following factors/aspects should be taken into consideration: (a) The essential characteristic of an agent is the legal power vested with the agent to alter his principal’s legal relationship with a third party and the principal’s co-relative liability to have his relations altered.7 (b) As the agent acts on behalf of the principal, one of the prime elements of the relationship is the exercise of a degree of control by the principal over the conduct of the activities of the agent. This degree of control is less than the control exercised by the master on the servant, and is different from the rights and obligations in case of principal to principal and independent contractor relationship. (c) The task entrusted by the principal to the agent should result in a fiduciary relationship. The fiduciary relationship is the manifestation of consent by one person to another to act on his or her behalf and subject to his or her control, and the reciprocal consent by the other to do so. 8 (d) As the business done by the agent is on the principal’s account, the agent is liable to render accounts thereof to the principal. An agent is entitled to remuneration from the principal for the work he performs for the principal. (Para 8)

Words and Phrases Agent – the term ‘agent’ denotes a relationship that is very different from that existing between a master and his servant, or between a principal and principal, or between an employer and his independent contractor. Although servants and independent contractors are parties to relationships in which one person acts for another, and thereby possesses the capacity to involve them in liability, yet the nature of the relationship and the kind of acts in question are sufficiently different to justify the exclusion of servants and independent contractors from the law relating to agency. In other words, the term ‘agent’ should be restricted to one who has the power of affecting the legal position of his principal by the making of contracts, or the disposition of the principal’s property; viz. an independent contractor who may, incidentally, also affect the legal position of his principal in other ways. (Para 41)

Words and Phrases – Difference between ‘power’ and ‘authority’- The two terms though connected, are not synonymous. Authority refers to a factual position, that is, the terms of contract between the two parties. The power of the agent however, is not, strictly speaking, conferred by the contract or by the principal but by the law of agency. When a person gives authority to another person to do the acts which bring the law of agency into play, then, the law vests power with the agent to affect the principal’s legal relationship with the third parties. The extent and existence of the power with the agent is determined by public policy. The authority, as observed above, refers to the factual situation. The second consideration is that the primary task of an agent is to enter into contracts on behalf of his principal, or to dispose of his principal’s property. The factors mentioned in clauses (b) to (d) in paragraph 8 above flow, and are indicia of this primary task. Clauses (b) to (d) of paragraph 8 are useful as tests or standards to examine the true nature or character of the relationship. Lastly, the substance of the relationship between the parties, notwithstanding the nomenclature given by the parties to the relationship, is of primary importance. The true nature of the relationship is examined by reference to the functions, responsibility and obligations of the so-called agent to the principal and to the third parties. (Para 9)

Words and Phrases – ‘acting on behalf of another person’ – It postulates the existence of a legal relationship of principal and agent, between the payer and the recipient/payee. 5 The law of agency is technical. Whether in law the relationship between the parties is that of principal-agent is answered by applying Section 182 of the Contract Act, 1872.

Words and Phrases – Agent and Servant- An agent is distinct from a servant, in that an agent is subject to less control than a servant, and has complete, or almost complete discretion as to how to perform an undertaking. As Seavey said, ‘‘a servant (…) is an agent under more complete control than is a nonservant’’. The difference is “in the degree of control rather than in the acts performed. The servant sells primarily his services measured by time; the agent his ability to produce results.” 10 This distinction can be criticised, for servants may have very wide discretion, and may not really be subject to control at all in practice, while agents may have their power to act circumscribed by detailed instructions. (Para 10)

Tax Deduction at Source – Deduction of tax at source is a substantial source of the direct tax revenue. The ease of collection and recovery is obvious. Deduction and deposit of tax at source checks evasion and non-payment of tax. It expands the tax base. However, the assessee as a deductor is not paying tax on his/her income, and collects and pays tax otherwise payable by the third party. Liability of the third party to pay tax when not deducted remains unaffected. Failure to deduct tax at source has serious and quasi-penal consequences for an assessee. The deduction of tax provisions should be programmatically and realistically construed, and not as enmeshes or by adopting catch-as-catch-can approach. In case of a legal or factual doubt in a given case, the assessee can rely on the doctrine of presumption against doubtful penalisation. Whether or not the said doctrine should be applied, will depend on facts and circumstances of the case, including the past practice followed by the assessee and accepted by the department. When there is apparent divergence of opinion, to avoid litigation and pitfalls associated, it may be advisable for the Central Board of Direct Taxes to clarify doubts by issuing appropriate instruction/circular after ascertaining view of the assesses and stakeholders. In addition to enhancing revenue and ensuring tax compliance, an equally important aim/objective of the Revenue is to reduce litigation. The instructions/circular, if and when issued, should be clear, and when justified – require the obligation to be made prospective. (Para 35)

Words and Phrases – independent contractor and agent – An independent contractor is free from control on the part of his employer, and is only subject to the terms of his contract. But an agent is not completely free from control, and the relationship to the extent of tasks entrusted by the principal to the agent are fiduciary. As contract with an independent agent depends upon the terms of the contract, sometimes an independent contractor looks like an agent from the point of view of the control exercisable over him, but on an overview of the entire relationship the tests specified in clauses (a) to (d) in paragraph 8 may not be satisfied. The distinction is that independent contractors work for themselves, even when they are employed for the purpose of creating contractual relations with the third persons. An independent contractor is not required to render accounts of the business, as it belongs to him and not his employer. (Para 40)

Words and Phrases Distributer – The distributor buys goods on his account and sells them in his territory. The profit made is the margin of difference between the purchase price and the sale price. The reason is, that the distributor in such cases is an independent contractor. Unlike an agent, he does not act as a communicator or creator of a relationship between the principal and a third party. The distributor has rights of distribution and is akin to a franchisee. Franchise agreements are normally considered as sui generis, though they have been in existence for some time. Franchise agreements provide a mechanism whereby goods and services may be distributed. In franchise agreements, the supplier or the manufacture, i.e. a franchisor, appoints an independent enterprise as a franchisee through whom the franchisor supplies certain goods or services. There is a close relationship between a franchisor and a franchisee because a franchisee’s operations are closely regulated, and this possibly is a distinction between a franchise agreement and a distributorship agreement. Franchise agreements are extremely detailed and complex. They may relate to distribution franchises, service franchises and production franchises. Notwithstanding the strict restrictions placed on the franchisees – which may require the franchisee to sell only the franchised goods, operate in a specific location, maintain premises which are required to comply with certain requirements, and even sell according to specified prices – the relationship may in a given case be that of an independent contractor. Facts of each case and the authority given by ‘principal’ to the franchisees matter and are determinative. (Para 39)

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