Mulakala Malleshwara Rao vs State Of Telangana 2024 INSC 639 – Stridhan – Dowry Prohibition Act- S 406 IPC

Stridhan -Wife or woman being the sole authority in respect of ‘stridhan’ – A husband has no right, and it has to then be necessarily concluded that a father too, has no right when the daughter is alive, well, and entirely capable of making decisions such as pursuing the cause of the recovery of her ‘stridhan’. (Para 5-10)

Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; Section 6 -Giving dowry and traditional presents at the time of the wedding does not raise a presumption that such articles are thereby entrusted to the parents in-law so as to attract the ingredients of Section 6 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. (Para 15)

Indian Penal Code,1860; Section 406- A person should have been entrusted with property, or entrusted with dominion over property; That person should dishonestly misappropriate or convert to their own use that property, or dishonestly use or dispose of that property or wilfully suffer any other person to do so; That such misappropriation, conversion, use or disposal should be in violation of any direction of law prescribing the mode in which such trust is to be discharged, or of any legal contract which the person has made, touching the discharge of such trust- Referred to Prof. R.K. Vijayasarathy & Anr. v. Sudha Seetharam (2019) 16 SCC 739. (Para 13)

Criminal Proceedings – The object of criminal proceedings is to bring a wrongdoer to justice, and it is not a means to get revenge or seek a vendetta against persons with whom the complainant may have a grudge. (Para 17)

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