Quotable Quotes

“COVID-19 pandemic necessitated what may be called “social distancing” and as a result there was “distant socialising”.” Anshul Gupta vs Prime Minister Office WP(C) 635/2023

 Home which is meant to be a happy and loveable place to live, becomes a source of misery and agony where the partners fight – Roopa Soni vs Kamalnarayan Soni | 2023 INSC 814\

If the law requires a particular thing to be done in a particular manner, it must be done in that manner and not in any other mannerLife Insurance Corporation of India vs Dravya Finance Pvt. Ltd. 2023 INSC 815

What is cruelty for a woman in a given case may not be cruelty for a man, and a relatively more elastic and broad approach is required when we examine a case in which a wife seeks divorce. (Para 13-15) – Roopa Soni vs Kamalnarayan Soni | 2023 INSC 814

Advocates or lawyers should not, while acting as counsel or advocates or their capacity as advocates, undertake or volunteer to solemnize marriages. That can well result in Advocates chambers or offices turning out to be matrimonial “establishment”-   Ilavarasan vs Superintendent of Police 2023 INSC 813

Simply setting at naught a decision of a court without removing the defects pointed out in the said decision, would sound the death knell for the rule of law – NHPC Ltd vs State of Himachal Pradesh 2023 INSC 810

“State did not prosecute the case fairly, rather throughout assisted the accusedHarendra Rai vs State of Bihar 2023 INSC 806

The sole idea of criminal justice system is to see that justice is done. Justice will be said to be done when no innocent person is punished and the guilty person is not allowed to go scot free Munna Pandey vs State of Bihar – 2023 INSC 793

No litigant should have even an iota of doubt or an impression (rather, a misimpression) that just because of systemic delay or the matter not being taken up by the Courts resulting in efflux of time the cause would be defeated, and the Court would be rendered helpless to ensure justice to the party concerned. It would not be out of place to mention that this Court can even turn the clock back, if the situation warrants such dire measures. The powers of this Court, if need be, to even restore status quo ante are not in the realm of any doubt Union Territory of Ladakh vs Jammu and Kashmir National Conference 2023 INSC 804

Tried and tested many times over, the issue of succession to Mitakshara coparcenary property continues to raise its head time and again like an undying Hydra of Lerna  – Derha vs Vishal 2023 INSC 785

We may take judicial notice of the fact with all humility at our command that over a period of time, the courts have shown undue leniency and magnanimity towards the contemnors. This lenient attitude shown by the courts over a period of time has actually emboldened unscrupulous litigants to disobey or commit breach of the order passed by any court or any undertaking given to the court with impunity.Balwantbhai Somabhai Bhandari Vs Hiralal Somabhai Contractor 2023 INSC 805