R Radhakrishna Prasad vs Swaminathan 2024 INSC 463 – Specific Performance Suit

Summary – Appeal Against High Court of Kerala judgment that allowed the appeal preferred by the defendant modified the decree passed by the Trial Court whereby, in a suit for specific performance, the Trial Court had directed the defendant no. 1 to refund a sum of Rs. 18,00,000/- (Rs. Eighteen Lakhs only) to the plaintiff- High Court allowed the plaintiff to recover only a sum of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. Three Lakhs only) with 12% interest per annum from the date of suit till realisation from the defendant no. 1 – Dismissing appeal, SC observed: There is no reason why payment of such substantial amount of Rs. 15,00,000/- (Fifteen Lakhs only) would be missing in the suit notice. The only possible reason for this could be that the advocate who prepared the notice was not apprised of this fact. If such was the case, plaintiff’s statement in Court, without any further corroboration, is not believable and the High Court has rightly found that the case of the plaintiff as to the subsequent payment of Rs. 15,00,000/- (Fifteen Lakhs only) is not established by positive evidence.

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