Rajanti Devi @ Rajanti Kumari vs Union Of India – Bail Applications – Expeditious Disposal

Bail -Concern about the delay taking place in the disposal of the bail applications – Referred to guidelines issued in R.C. Sharma Vs. Union of India, (1976) 3 SCC 574, Anil Rai Vs. State of Bihar, (2001) 7 SCC 313, Satendra Kumar Antil Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation and Anr., (2022) 10 SCC 51 -Despite the aforestated guidelines/directions having been issued by this Court from time to time, it appears that the cases like the present one, keep on happening and the bail applications are not being heard expeditiously and if heard, are not being decided within the stipulated time period – All the courts shall scrupulously follow the directions/ guidelines issued by this Court in the aforestated decisions.

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