Rajesh Monga vs Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited 2024 INSC 162 :: [2024] 3 S.C.R. 1- Consumer Case

Summary: NCDRC dismissed a complaint filed against bank holding that the appellant -complainant is bound by the terms and conditions of the agreement dated 11.01.2006, while the respondent bank was bound by various instructions of the Reserve Bank of India at the time of signing the agreement – Dismissing Appeal, SC held: NBFC and as a corporate body would be bound by its policies and procedures with regard to lending and recovery. In that regard, the applicability of the rate of interest to be charged is also a matter of policy and cannot be case-specific unless the individual agreement entered into between the parties indicate otherwise- Having executed the agreement; having agreed to the terms and conditions; having received the loan amount, the appellant cannot raise any objection for the first time when the rate of interest was increased after having acquiesced by signing the agreement. Further, the appellant having repaid the loan amount with interest as per the terms of agreement cannot make out a grievance in hindsight and seek refund of the amount paid.

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