Saree Sansar vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi 2024 INSC 240 – Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act

Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 – The second Schedule of the ADE Act provides that during each financial year, each State shall be paid a certain percentage of net proceeds of the additional duties levied and collected during the financial year in respect of the goods described in column (3) of Schedule I. However, no additional duty was made payable on silk fabric under the ADE Act. The proviso makes it clear that notwithstanding the ADE Act, there is no bar on the States levying sales tax. If the States do that, no part of the additional duty under the ADE Act will be payable to the concerned States. Therefore, the argument that as silk fabric formed a part of Schedule I of the ADE Act, it disentitled the State Government from levying sales tax is fallacious and cannot be accepted. (Para 8)

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