September 25: Today is World Pharmacists Day !

In a way, our team works like pharmacists. If they deal with medicine, we deal with caselaws. Here is one Supreme Court judgment which discusses the meaning of ‘pharmacology’ as juxtaposed with ‘pharmacy’.: Pharmacology is the science of developing and understanding the effects of drugs and other substances, while pharmacy is the science and practice of collecting, preparing, standardizing, and distributing drugs to patients after a medical professional orders a prescription for a drug. [Tajvir Singh Sodhi vs The State Of Jammu And Kashmir ]2023 INSC 309:: [2023] 3 S.C.R. 714]

September 23 : International Sign Language Day: InMeesala Ramakrishan vs State Of A.P, the Supreme Court held that a dying declaration recorded on the basis of nods and gestures is admissible.

September 22: “A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter is a daughter throughout her life….” Supreme Court had quoted this saying in a judgment delivered in 1996: Savita Samvedi vs Union Of India [1996] 1 S.C.R. 1046