Shri Mukund Bhavan Trust vs Shrimant Chhatrapati Udayan Raje Pratapsinh Maharaj Bhonsle 2024 INSC 1025 – Order VII Rule 11 CPC – Rejection Of Plaint

Code Of Civil Procedure 1908Order VII Rule 11 – When an application to reject the plaint is filed, the averments in the plaint and the documents annexed therewith alone are germane. The averments in the application can be taken into account only to consider whether the case falls within any of the sub-rules of Order VII Rule 11 by considering the averments in the plaint. The Court cannot look into the written statement or the documents filed by the defendants. The Civil Courts including this Court cannot go into the rival contentions at that stage. (Para 12) – Limitation is a mixed question of fact and law and the question of rejecting the plaint on that score has to be decided after weighing the evidence on record. However, in cases like this, where it is glaring from the plaint averments that the suit is hopelessly barred by limitation, the Courts should not be hesitant in granting the relief and drive the parties back to the trial Court. The spirit and intention of Order VII Rule 11(d) of CPC is only for the Courts to nip at its bud when any litigation ex facie appears to be a clear abuse of process. The Courts by being reluctant only cause more harm to the defendants by forcing them to undergo the ordeal of leading evidence. (Para 26)

Code Of Civil Procedure 1908Order XXIII Rule 3A – The bar under Order XXIII Rule 3A of CPC is applicable to third parties as well and the only remedy available to them would be to approach the same court. (Para 25)

Transfer of Property Act, 1882 – Section 3 -A registered document is validly executed and is valid until it is declared as illegal. (Para 15) – When a portion of the property has been conveyed by court auction and registered in the first instance and when another portion has been conveyed by a registered sale deed in 1952, there is a constructive notice from the date of registration and the presumption under Section 3 of the Transfer of Property Act, comes into operation. (Para 16)