Shyamsundar Radheshyam Agrawal vs Pushpabai Nilkanth Patil 2024 INSC 730- S.4 Maharashtra Stamp Act

Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958; Section 4 – In this case, the agreement for sale consists of a clause whereby the possession was handed over to the purchaser satisfying the requirement to treat the instrument as conveyance and what remained was only the formality of execution of the sale deed- Thus the agreement for sale was the principal document on which stamp duty was to be paid as per Article 25. Even if the sale agreements ultimately concluded in the sale deed on which stamp duty was paid, it would not by ipso facto absolve the primary liability of paying the appropriate stamp duty at the time of execution of the sale agreement as it was the principal document. Therefore, Section 4 of the Act cannot come to the aid -The second proviso to Article 25 only states that if the stamp duty is already paid or recovered on the agreement to sale, then the same shall be deducted while computing the stamp duty payable when the sale deed is executed; the proviso does not contemplate a situation similar to this case, where the document ought to have been registered with payment of stamp duty on the agreement for sale initially and only the balance, on the deed of sale after deduction of the duty already paid ought to have been collected. Since, the state cannot recover by way of stamp duty in excess of what it is entitled to, the recovery shall be restricted only to the extent of difference in stamp duty and the entire penalty from the date of execution of the agreement for sale till the date of payment of stamp duty. Needless to say, that until the defect is cured by satisfying the requirements under Section 34, the documents impounded cannot also be used in evidence.