Sri Sujies Benefit Funds Limited vs M Jaganathuan 2024 INSC 602 – S 138 NI Act

Negotiable Instruments Act,1881; Section 138- SC Restored Trial Court judgment convicting the accused and observed: if the parties amongst themselves, agreed to a rate which is not in conformity with the Tamil Nadu Act, it was for the respondent to raise an objection or move the appropriate forum for getting the same corrected/taken care of, so that the interest rate did not exceed 1% per month but having agreed to a rate of 1.8% per month, the subsequent amount of interest calculated @ 3% per month does not have much force for it was upon the respondent to challenge the rate of interest. The respondent also cannot be said to be a layman, and being a subscriber to a chitfund company, he is expected to be aware of the laws and also of what is beneficial for him. Having issued the pronotes, he cannot now take a plea in these collateral proceedings under the N.I. Act to contend that the rate of interest was more than what was permissible under the Tamil Nadu Act.

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