2024 INSC February

Omdeo Baliram Musale vs Prakash Ramchandra Mamidwar 2024 INSC 93 – Civil Suits

Civil Suit – Suit that was filed in 1982 never took off as even summons were not issued. It might not be surprising for lawyers, judges and those who are acquainted with civil court proceedings. The real danger is when we accept this position and continue with it as part of a systematic problem. Until …

Omdeo Baliram Musale vs Prakash Ramchandra Mamidwar 2024 INSC 93 – Civil Suits Read More »

Naresh Chandra Agrawal vs Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India 2024 INSC 94 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 194 – Subordinate Legislation – Grounds To Challenge

Subordinate Legislation – Legal principles that may be relevant in adjudicating cases where subordinate legislation are challenged on the ground of being ‘ultra vires’ the parent Act: (a) The doctrine of ultra vires envisages that a Rule making body must function within the purview of the Rule making authority, conferred on it by the parent …

Naresh Chandra Agrawal vs Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India 2024 INSC 94 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 194 – Subordinate Legislation – Grounds To Challenge Read More »

Gurwinder Singh vs State Of Punjab 2024 INSC 92 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 134- S 43D(5) UAPA – Test For Rejection Of Bail

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 ; Section 43 D(5) -The conventional idea in bail jurisprudence vis-à-vis ordinary penal offences that the discretion of Courts must tilt in favour of the oft-quoted phrase – ‘bail is the rule, jail is the exception’ – unless circumstances justify otherwise – does not find any place while dealing with …

Gurwinder Singh vs State Of Punjab 2024 INSC 92 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 134- S 43D(5) UAPA – Test For Rejection Of Bail Read More »

Kishore vs State Of Punjab 2024 INSC 91 – Unlawful Assembly – Test Identification Parade

Indian Penal Code, 1860; Section 141, 148,149 – Condition precedent for attracting Section 148 of the IPC is that there has to be an unlawful assembly. Under Section 141 of the IPC, the unlawful assembly must be of five or more persons -In this case, High Court has acquitted two out of five accused of …

Kishore vs State Of Punjab 2024 INSC 91 – Unlawful Assembly – Test Identification Parade Read More »

Veena Gupta vs Central Pollution Control Board 2024 INSC 89 – NGT – Ex Parte Orders

National Green Tribunal – National Green Tribunal’s recurrent engagement in unilateral decision making, provisioning ex post facto review hearing and routinely dismissing it has regrettably become a prevailing norm. In its zealous quest for justice, the Tribunal must tread carefully to avoid the oversight of propriety. The practice of ex parte orders and the imposition …

Veena Gupta vs Central Pollution Control Board 2024 INSC 89 – NGT – Ex Parte Orders Read More »

Govt. of Goa vs Maria Julieta D’Souza (D) 2024 INSC 88 – S 3 Evidence Act – Standard Of Proof

Indian Evidence Act, 1872; Section 3- . While inquiring into whether a fact is proved, the sufficiency of evidence is to be seen in the context of standard of proof, which in civil cases is by preponderance of probability – There is a clear distinction between burden of proof and standard of proof. This distinction …

Govt. of Goa vs Maria Julieta D’Souza (D) 2024 INSC 88 – S 3 Evidence Act – Standard Of Proof Read More »

Velthepu Srinivas vs State Of Andhra Pradesh 2024 INSC 87 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 1 – Ss 34, 302, 304 IPC

Indian Penal Code, 1860; 304 Part II –The section provides for two kinds of punishment to two different situations: (1) if the act by which death is caused is done with the intention of causing death or causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death. Here the important ingredient is the “intention”; (2) …

Velthepu Srinivas vs State Of Andhra Pradesh 2024 INSC 87 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 1 – Ss 34, 302, 304 IPC Read More »

Vishal Noble Singh vs State Of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 85 – S 482 CrPC, Ss 420, 467 IPC

Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973; Section 482 – In recent years the machinery of criminal justice is being misused by certain persons for their vested interests and for achieving their oblique motives and agenda. Courts have therefore to be vigilant against such tendencies and ensure that acts of omission and commission having an adverse impact …

Vishal Noble Singh vs State Of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 85 – S 482 CrPC, Ss 420, 467 IPC Read More »