Disciplinary Proceedings

State Of Rajasthan vs Bhupendra Singh 2024 INSC 592 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Disciplinary proceedings – If the Disciplinary Authority accepts findings recorded by the Enquiry Officer and proceeds to impose punishment basis the same, no elaborate reasons are required- Referred to Boloram Bordoloi v Lakhimi Gaolia Bank, (2021) 3 SCC 806 (Para 31) -Wherever and whenever the Disciplinary Authorities concerned impose a major punishment, it will be …

State Of Rajasthan vs Bhupendra Singh 2024 INSC 592 – Disciplinary Proceedings Read More »

Jiwachh Paswan vs Union Of India CA 2683 Of 2024 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Disciplinary Proceedings – It is not for the Court to substitute its own view as to the quantum of punishment in place and lieu of the punishment awarded by the competent authority. It is only in very rare cases that the Court might – to shorten litigation – think of substituting its own view – …

Jiwachh Paswan vs Union Of India CA 2683 Of 2024 – Disciplinary Proceedings Read More »

Chatrapal vs State Of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 115 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 348- Disciplinary Proceedings

Disciplinary Proceedings – ordinarily the findings recorded by the Inquiry Officer should not be interfered by the appellate authority or by the writ court. However, when the finding of guilt recorded by the Inquiry Officer is based on perverse finding the same can always be interfered – Referred to Union of India vs. P. Gunasekaran …

Chatrapal vs State Of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 115 :: [2024] 2 S.C.R. 348- Disciplinary Proceedings Read More »

D Ganesan vs Union Of India 2024 INSC 61 – Disciplinary Proceedings

Disciplinary Proceedings – In the facts of the given case, the disciplinary proceeding could continue simultaneously with the criminal inquiry. There is no legal bar on running such parallel proceedings though in certain situations, this Court has not permitted continuance of dual proceedings. Summary: High Court assumed the role of a disciplinary authority and imposed …

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