Navneet Kaur Harbhajansing Kundles @ Navneet Kaur Ravi Rana vs State of Maharashtra 2024 INSC 266 :: [2024] 4 S.C.R. 121 – Caste Scrutiny – Article 226 Constitution – Certiorari

Constitution of India, 1950; Article 32, 226 – The writ of certiorari being a writ of high prerogative, should not be invoked on mere asking. The purpose of a writ of certiorari for a superior Court is not to review or reweigh the evidence to adjudicate unless warranted. The jurisdiction is supervisory and the Court …

Navneet Kaur Harbhajansing Kundles @ Navneet Kaur Ravi Rana vs State of Maharashtra 2024 INSC 266 :: [2024] 4 S.C.R. 121 – Caste Scrutiny – Article 226 Constitution – Certiorari Read More »