Ajeet Singh vs State of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 5 – S 375 IPC – S 482 CrPC – Rape By Giving False Promise To Marry

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 ; Section 482 – Indian Penal Code, 1860 ; Section 375 – The allegation in the FIR is that the appellant maintained a physical relationship with the victim by giving her a false promise of marriage – The relationship between the appellant and the victim was a consensual relationship which culminated in the marriage. In the legal notice issued on behalf of the appellant, the factum of marriage was admitted. Therefore, on the face of it, the allegation that the physical relationship was maintained due to false promise given by the appellant to marry, is without basis as their relationship led to the solemnization of marriage. Therefore, this is a case where the allegations made in the FIR were such that on the basis of the statements, no prudent person can ever reach a conclusion that there is sufficient ground for proceeding against the appellant. Therefore, clause (5) of the decision of this Court in the case of State of Haryana. (Para 9)

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