Bhupatbhai Bachubhai Chavda vs State of Gujarat 2024 INSC 295 :: [2024] 4 S.C.R. 322- Criminal Trial – Burden Of Proof – Appeal Against Acquittal –

Criminal Trial – Burden of Proof – Unless, under the relevant penal statute, there is a negative burden put on the accused or there is a reverse onus clause, the accused is not required to discharge any burden. In a case where there is a statutory presumption, after the prosecution discharges initial burden, the burden of rebuttal may shift on the accused. (Para 7)

Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 ; Section 378,386- While deciding an appeal against acquittal, the Appellate Court has to reappreciate the evidence. After re-appreciating the evidence, the first question that needs to be answered by the Appellate Court is whether the view taken by the Trial Court was a plausible view that could have been taken based on evidence on record. -Appellate Court can interfere with the order of acquittal only if it is satisfied after reappreciating the evidence that the only possible conclusion was that the guilt of the accused had been established beyond a reasonable doubt. The Appellate Court cannot overturn order of acquittal only on the ground that another view is possible. In other words, the judgment of acquittal must be found to be perverse. Unless the Appellate Court records such a finding, no interference can be made with the order of acquittal -An order of acquittal further strengthens the presumption of innocence of the accused. (Para 6)

Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 ; Section 161,162 – Statements recorded by police under Section 161 of the CrPC cannot be used for any purpose except to contradict the witness. (Para 9)

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