State Of West Bengal vs Ganesh Roy – Summoning Of Govt. Officer

Practice and Procedure – Summoning of Govt. Officers – In exceptional cases, if the Court finds that the presence of Government Officer is necessary, then at the first instance, such appearance is permitted through video conferencing- Court should also record its reasons as to why the personal presence of the Government Officer in the Court is necessary – Referred to State of Uttar Padesh & Ors. Vs. Association of Retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges at Allahabad & Ors. reported in (2024) SCC Online SC 14 and State of Uttar Pradesh Vs. Manoj Kumar Sharma reported in (2021) 7 SCC 806. [In this case, High Court of Calcuta directed the jurisdictional Superintendent of Police to personally remain present in Court- SC set aside this direction and observed: the reasons recorded by the High Court for directing the personal presence of the jurisdictional Superintendent of Police cannot be said to be exceptional or rare. ]

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