2024 INSC January

Birla Corporation Limited vs Bhanwar Singh 2024 INSC 35 – Chittorgarh Fort – Blasting Operations

Summary -Blasting operations undertaken for limestone extraction resulting in possible damage to the existing structures of the Chittorgarh Fort – Directions issued to undertake the study of environmental pollution and impact on all the structures in the Chittorgarh Fort – The prevention of damage from any such collateral activities must be simultaneously addressed by the …

Birla Corporation Limited vs Bhanwar Singh 2024 INSC 35 – Chittorgarh Fort – Blasting Operations Read More »

State of Haryana vs Mohd. Yunus 2024 INSC 34 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 404 – Criminal Trial – Untrustworthy witness

Criminal Trial – S 302 IPC – For trial under Section 302 IPC, if a witness is branded as untrustworthy having allegedly twisted the facts and made contrary statement, it is not safe to impose conviction on the basis of statement made by such witness. When there is an effort to falsely implicate one accused …

State of Haryana vs Mohd. Yunus 2024 INSC 34 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 404 – Criminal Trial – Untrustworthy witness Read More »

Delhi Development Authority vs Hello Home Education Society 2024 INSC 33 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 454 – Art. 226 Constitution – Internal Notings – Public Land Transfer – Parity

Constitution of India, 1950; Article 226 – Litigant who is not diligent cannot invoke the extraordinary jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India – There is no justifiable or satisfactory explanation for the said period of inordinate delay of 11 years. The writ petition ought to have been dismissed …

Delhi Development Authority vs Hello Home Education Society 2024 INSC 33 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 454 – Art. 226 Constitution – Internal Notings – Public Land Transfer – Parity Read More »

Dinesh Gupta vs State of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 32 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 390 – Criminal Case Over A Civil Matter – Frivolous Litigation

Litigation – Unscrupulous litigants should not be allowed to go scot-free. They should be put to strict terms and conditions including costs. It is time to check with firmness such litigation initiated and laced with concealment, falsehood, and forum hunting. Even State actions or conduct of government servants being party to such malicious litigation should …

Dinesh Gupta vs State of Uttar Pradesh 2024 INSC 32 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 390 – Criminal Case Over A Civil Matter – Frivolous Litigation Read More »

Container Corporation of India Ltd. vs Ajay Khera 2024 INSC 31 – Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority Recomendations

Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (‘EPCA’) Recommendations on the issue of shift to CNG/Hybrid/Electric – Directions issued – After examining recommendation 3.1, the Union of India shall formulate a policy of phasing out heavy­duty diesel vehicles and replacing them with BS­VI vehicles – The process of exploring the possibility of finding better sources, including …

Container Corporation of India Ltd. vs Ajay Khera 2024 INSC 31 – Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority Recomendations Read More »

State Of Himachal Pradesh vs Yogendra Mohan Sengupta 2024 INSC 30 – NGT – HP Town & Country Planning Act

Constitution of India, 1950; Article 32, 226 -Independence and separation of powers – Giving a direction or advisory sermons to the Executive in respect of the sphere which is exclusively within the domain of the Executive or the Legislature would neither be legal nor proper. The Court cannot be permitted to usurp the functions assigned …

State Of Himachal Pradesh vs Yogendra Mohan Sengupta 2024 INSC 30 – NGT – HP Town & Country Planning Act Read More »

Dr. Balbir Singh Bhandari vs State of Uttarakhand 2024 INSC 29 – Service Law

The benefit of a personal/promotional pay scale was granted to the appellants by the State of Uttarakhand. The said benefit was withdrawn under a subsequent decision of the State of Uttarakhand. – Order to recover benefits from the appellants who have superannuated was challenged before High Court which dismissed it – Supreme Court dismissed appeal …

Dr. Balbir Singh Bhandari vs State of Uttarakhand 2024 INSC 29 – Service Law Read More »

Alagammal vs Ganesan 2024 INSC 28 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 374 – Specific Relief Act

Summary – Plaintiffs filed a suit for specific performance of agreement to sale – Trial Court dismissed the suit – Appellate Court and High Court decred – Allowing appeal, the Supreme Court held: Even if the case of later payments by the respondents to the appellants is accepted, the same being at great intervals and …

Alagammal vs Ganesan 2024 INSC 28 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 374 – Specific Relief Act Read More »

All India Judges Association vs Union Of India 2024 INSC 26 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 327 – Second National Judicial Pay Commission – Recommendations – Judicial Service

Second National Judicial Pay Commission – Recommendations accepted – Directed the constitution of a Committee in each High Court for overseeing the implementation of the recommendations of the SNJPC as approved by this Court. The Committee shall be called the ‘Committee for Service Conditions of the District Judiciary. – All States and Union Territories shall …

All India Judges Association vs Union Of India 2024 INSC 26 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 327 – Second National Judicial Pay Commission – Recommendations – Judicial Service Read More »

K.P. Mozika vs Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 2024 INSC 27 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 488 – Article 366(29A)(d) Constitution -Assam General Sales Tax Act -Assam Value Added Tax Act

Constitution of India, 1950 ; Article 366(29A)(d) – In every case where the owner of the goods permits another person to use goods, the transaction need not be of the transfer of the right to use the goods. It can be simply a license to use the goods which may not amount to the transfer …

K.P. Mozika vs Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 2024 INSC 27 :: [2024] 1 S.C.R. 488 – Article 366(29A)(d) Constitution -Assam General Sales Tax Act -Assam Value Added Tax Act Read More »